Monday, April 23, 2012

Ready to get my hands dirty

This is not my first blog. This is not my second either. Third. No. I have had so many blogs under my name. Well. I can't even remember the count. Not that I have a bad memory. I've been blogging for the past 4 years pretty seriously. However, for some weird reason, I have been taken away from my passion for blogging lately.

It's not the fault of or but the fault of my busy schedule, other commitments and laziness to type. I've also found many other interesting and convenient ways to share my ideas and make my point clearly on social media. It is fun to put what you do and feel on facebook. You get instant response. The dumber the status update you get more and more likes and comments from your friends. I remember once putting something bizarre up there, I had about 16 likes just in few seconds and I was carried away with it. On a more serious note, when you talk about something serious or thought provoking, nobody seems to respond. In fact this is where you need to have your opinion. Unfortunately, people play safe here and don’t respond.

The thing with twitter is that you just follow the big names and nobody follows you. And then what exactly can you say in just 140 words. So, yes, I’m back to blog. I couldn't remember, some of my blog login IDs and passwords. So here I come, The Diplomatic Geek, to make my point, very clear this time. I hope to write one blog post per day. So let's see how it works. Trust me, I'm optimistic about it and ready to get my hands dirty big time.

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